January 29, 2022

Marilyn Fowlie-Neufeld

Dear Church Family,

The newsletter was sent out this weekend so I will keep my message brief today.  Please join us for worship and then a Zoom coffee time after church. 

God bless and keep you safe and well!

Pastor Marilyn

WORSHIP LINK THIS WEEK:  https://youtu.be/1hJYO7Lb9zM

ZOOM COFFEE LINK (becomes active at 11:45 am): 


Meeting ID: 843 9713 0667
Passcode: 869745
Phone in to Zoom coffee: 1 204 272 7920 (you will be prompted to provide Meeting ID and Passcode)

January 22, 2022

Dear Church Family,

I hope you are all keeping well as we wend our way through another week in this pandemic.

Confirmation class this Sunday will be by zoom at noon. Next Sunday, January 30th,  at noon we will have a zoom coffee time.  I will include that link/invitation with next week’s update.

I have the same two-part assignment as last week.  Part one: phone or contact someone who helps to give you strength and courage. Part two:  phone or contact someone who needs your encouragement.  The first part is self-care and the second part is taking care of another.

There will not always be someone in the church office for the time being, but the phone messages will always be answered and my cell phone is always on and charged. Lorene and I will take turns being in the office.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Link to worship this week:  https://youtu.be/XB0yC1w7R1Y

January 14, 2022

Dear Church Family,

We are “pivoting” once again.  We are only going to have church on-line for the time being.  This means there will be no in-person worship and all groups are to meet via zoom once again.  We will re-evaluate after Feb. 16th. On one hand I am very sorry to share this information with you, but on the other hand I am glad that we know how to shift as quickly as we can. We have become very adaptable.  We need to revise the church joke:  “How many people does it take to change a light bulb at church?”  Whatever the answer used to be it has been altered “ …. Except during a pandemic”

I have a two-part assignment for everyone this week.  Part one: phone or contact someone who helps to give you strength and courage. Part two:  phone or contact someone who needs your encouragement.  The first part is self-care and the second part is taking care of another.

There will not always be someone in the church office during this time, but the phone messages will always be answered and my cell phone is always on and charged. Lorene and I will take turns being in the office.

There is a glimmer of light in all of this

  • We have the capability to go on-line: we know how to do this

  • In the last couple of years we have learned how to be adaptable as a caring community: we know how to do this … we have been doing this

  • Omicron might just be the beginning of the end of the pandemic (Pastor Ali Tote offered this hope … but he also said it might not be J )

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Livestream worship 10:30 am Sunday and available on YouTube after that.

Link to worship:  https://youtu.be/S6UGs5FTQlY

Link to Bishop’s letter:  https://sasksynod.ca/wp-content/uploads/Bishops-letter-Jan-2022.pdf


January 8, 2022

Dear Church Family,

I have been in a quandary this past week.  Should I encourage people to stay home … should we discourage in-person worship.  I have been reassured we are safe to worship in person because our congregation has a high rate of vaccination, maintains physical distance between households and masks. But I am a worrier and do not want anyone to become sick because of their attendance at worship. But I also know that there is great comfort and meaning in attending worship in person for many people.

For this week we will have in-person worship as well as worship on-line and by phone.  But before you do come to worship in person, please do a risk assessment: does the need to be at church in person outweigh the risk?

I and other church leaders will meet with Bishop Sid Haugen on Wednesday to learn more about covid modeling in our province and what is the best way forward for our urban church family. May God give us wisdom in the decisions we make.   

Once again I would like to give you all an assignment for the week:  Please call three other people from our church directory. One of the three being someone you think has been isolated these past 22 months.   

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Link for worship this week:  https://youtu.be/bGlB1hm_oeE

December 24, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Merry Christmas!  I will miss seeing you all in person again this year, but I give thanks we can gather on-line and with small groups in our homes.  Tonight when we light our candles and sing “Silent Night” we are together in spirit. As we sing tonight in my living room I will close my eyes and see you all in the pews at church. 

Many thanks to the musicians, technical folk, and worship assistants who make it possible for us to worship together. 

Greg and I wish you a blessed Christmas and blessings in a new year.  I am looking forward to a better year ahead.

God bless and keep you safe.

Pastor Marilyn

Here are the links for this Christmas weekend. Remember, if you have any issues with connecting you can try both our website or our YouTube channel (search: Augustana Saskatoon YouTube)

Christmas Eve link https://youtu.be/AA-PrtSNw2U

Christmas Day link (originally from 2020): https://youtu.be/mvkVcEAVbXs

December 26 link (this service is also in-person):  https://youtu.be/0ipfeHbB4ds



December 18, 2021

Dear Church family,

It has been a bit of a “rerun” week. We seem to be circling back into a new covid concern.  Fortunately, we do have some experience with this and know how to slow down and take whatever measures we need to in order to minimize risk to ourselves and others.  With this in mind, our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will be on-line again this year. 

The Christmas Eve Candlelight service is being prepared for this coming week and you will be able to have a candle light service at home with the people in your “bubble.”  This is also a service you can share with family and friends who are not able to travel to you this year. We may be separated by distance, but on-line we can be together. I am sad to not be able to see people in-person on Christmas Eve, but I look forward to that time coming soon.

Our Christmas Day service is the beautiful Christmas Lessons Carols service which was prepared last year.  This service, from the Anglican tradition, retells the Christmas story with scripture readings and music. Our Augustana St. Timothy choir lead our music and many readers share the Word with us.

This Sunday (December 19) we will have worship in-person and on-line at the regular time (10:30 am).  We will also have an in-person Blue Christmas Service at 3 pm.  The Blue Christmas Service acknowledges that this time of year is difficult for some. The bulletin for that service is attached to this email. Please remember to wear a mask if you attend an in-person service.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/dnKPbook7c0


December 11, 2021

Dear Church family,

We light three candles this week. Traditionally the third candle is “Joy.”  It is a good opportunity to reflect this week on all the things that have bring joy into our lives: past, present, and future.

Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will be on-line this year and the link will be provided on our website, in an email, through facebook, and on our “Augustana Saskatoon” YouTube channel.  In a sense we will be able to worship together as we gather in our smaller “bubbles”. Christmas Eve will be a traditional candle light service with special music and Christmas Day will be Christmas Lessons and Carols again with special music.

God bless and keep you safe and well,

Pastor Marilyn

This week’s worship link:  https://youtu.be/WrM9dFCupa4

December 4, 2021

Dear Church family,

The newsletter is out this week so I will keep my comments brief.  I’d like to say thanks for the support you have given for our Christmas hampers.  It has been a rough year for many people and the Christmas grocery vouchers will be appreciated!

Two Candles this week.  This time of year just flies.  As you are making plans for Christmas this year please make time to celebrate with your church family.  Our Christmas Eve Candle Light Service and Christmas Day Lessons and Carols service will be on-line this year so you can gather with the people in your bubble to be part of each service.  We are thankful for the musical support of our choir and worship assistants and technical folk who make these services very special and accessible.   

December 19th at 3 pm will be a Blue Christmas Service (in-person and not recorded).  See details for this in the newsletter and the attached poster.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week: https://youtu.be/hnrzUgzZO6o

November 20, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Here are the links to this week’s worship, the bulletin, and children’s activity sheets (some for readers and some for non-readers). 

In the wake of the multiply disasters in BC this week, I wanted to remind all of you that Canadian Lutheran World Relief will be active in some way to help people recover.  You can make a donation to CLWR and designate it for the BC relief effort.  The Primate’s World Development and Relief Fund (PWDRF) is also accepting donations to aid in the BC recovery.

Please have your articles for the December newsletter in to the church office by Tuesday. 

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn


Worship link this week:  https://youtu.be/NE8GlVgcC2g                                         

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

November 13, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Here is the link for worship this week (live Sunday morning at 10:30 and recording available later in the day). 

I am noticing that our food bank bin has been pretty lean these days.  If you are able to, please remember to bring something for the food bank when you are at the church or put something extra in a foodbank bin at the grocery store.  There has been a significant increase in need for the foodbank lately.  Thanks for all the years when the bin filled up regularly.

God bless you and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week:  https://youtu.be/3dVGjHMsqP0 

November 5, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Please join us for worship this week as we celebrate All Saint’s Sunday. You can join us in person or livestreamed at 10:30 Sunday morning or you can view the taped service or phone recording later in the day. Pastor Michael Diegel will be leading the service.

We continue to have 20-35 participants at the in-person services and that seems to be a good number given the continued presence of the covid 19 virus in the community.

The bulletin is attached as well as resource sheets you can use at home or in church for your children to help with learning about All Saint’s Sunday.

God bless and keep you safe,

On behalf of Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/vjOcwgcUsvQ

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

October 30, 2021

Dear Church Family,

My message is brief today as the newsletter is attached with all sorts of information.  Please join us for worship this week as we celebrate Reformation Sunday. You can join us in person or livestreamed at 10:30 Sunday morning or you can view the taped service or phone recording later in the day.

Next Sunday will be All Saints’ Sunday and we will remember the saints that have gone on ahead of us.  If you plan to worship from home and wish to light a candle in remembrance, please contact the church office so that we can light a candle on your behalf prior to the service.

We continue to have 20-30 participants at the in-person services and that seems to be a good number given the continued presence of the covid 19 virus in the community.

I will be in Calgary this coming week for my Mother’s service.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/f7nE9bAPl0Q

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

October 23, 2021

Dear church family,

Please find attached the bulletin for this Sunday. Announcements and hymn lyrics are in the attachment:  please check out the notes regarding our parish nurse and custodian.

Pastor Michael Diegel will be leading the service this week.

Worship link for this week:   https://youtu.be/MjMJiO9478w

(the live service begins at 10:30 am Sunday morning and the recorded version is available later in the day)

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

Blessings for your weekend,


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

October 16, 2021

Dear church family,

I was reminded this week that we do live in interesting times.  There are lots of other descriptors for our times as well J . We have all experienced our times in some similar ways, but we have also all had unique experiences of living through a pandemic.  How are you doing?

We continue to meet for worship in person. It is a small group – which I think is good.  We continue to meet on-line – which I also think is good.  You can join your church family for worship live, livestreamed, taped, or by phone.  It seems like quite a smorgasbord of options and that is because you are important in this family and we want to make sure that you have access however possible.

Announcements and hymn lyrics are in the attachment:  please check out the notes regarding our parish nurse and custodian.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:  https://youtu.be/XlioWLAB40w

(the live service begins at 10:30 am Sunday morning and the recorded version is available later in the day)

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

October 2, 2021

Dear church family,

We are going live this Sunday.  You can attend worship live at 10:30 am or access the recorded service at a later time or day. We practiced this week and think we have it.  I say that as though I have any expertise in this happening – I do not. I am very thankful for all the people who do know how to make this happen.  They are listed in this month’s newsletter in the thank you page.

One thing that will be missed is the scrolling lyrics.  Attached you will find the hymns and service bulletin which might help with that.  For coming Sundays you might want to sign out a hymnbook from church for home use so you can sing or follow along with the service. 

God bless and keep you all safe.

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this Sunday:  https://youtu.be/3V7Cg45ikKw

Even if you do not have the specific link for a Sunday you can still access worship:  go to the Augustana YouTube Channel at https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCua4E9ZVxlZ4Wfmct0ZLnBA/featured Once there, click the play button on the player in the browser to open the live player and view the worship service.

Worship by phone — dial 1-306-205-1168

September 24, 2021

Dear church family,

As Pastor Marilyn is not available as she deals with the health of her mother, and upon the recommendation of the Health Cabinet, there will not be an in-person service again this week. Augustana Sunday’s service will be a pre-recorded one from last year.  Worship link at: https://youtu.be/VrRM72mPDjk

You will find the Worship Service document attached and it will be available on the website as well.

For those who would prefer a live worship service, you are invited to attend the YouTube livestream from Zion Lutheran at 10:30 this Sunday morning. Worship link at  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7oFRb9WluqtWmHpv-yVgw/videos

Please find a copy of the Zion Sunday Bulletin also attached.

OR if you like, you a welcome to view the recorded Sept. 26th service for Good Shepherd Lutheran Sunday Evening (or Monday) on their website https://goodshepherdsaskatoon.ca/

Click on the link and scroll down to Sunday Recorded Service video.  The Good Shepherd Sunday Bulletin is attached as well.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

And just a reminder about supplies for Queen Elizabeth school. We are extending the deadline to mid-October for items and donations to be received.

Last, but not least a message from (ELCIC) National Bishop Susan Johnson:

"I invite you to make Thursday, September 30th a day of quiet reflection, learning and/or participating in a community event. September 30 reminds us that every child matters. It is a day to remember the children who did not return home from residential schools, survivors, families and all who need healing. May God's grace and unconditional love surround you as you pray, reflect, learn and gather.” Read the letter from ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson here

September 18, 2021

Dear church family,

As Pastor Marilyn is away due to a family member’s health, this week’s service will be a pre-recorded one from last year.  Worship link at  https://youtu.be/YIPjCnXuafI

You will find the service document attached and it will be available on the website as well. Part of Pastor Marilyn’s weekly message from last year is also included below:

You might notice a little doggy face peeping out at you this week during worship.  It was not intentional, but it certainly fits with us marking the season of creation.  I had to tape my part of the service from home since I was waiting to hear back on a covid 19 test.  Our dog Sophie quietly took her place behind me and checked out the camera.  Fortunately, the letter carrier did not come while we were taping or you would have seen and heard Sophie.

As a congregation we are trying to maintain as much of our regular ministry as possible. This is a learning experience for us all, but it enables us to still be in mission during a pandemic. Thank you for your continued efforts to keep in touch and care for each other.  I have appreciated your support and encouragement and suggestions.”       

To Note: Synod Leadership met in a virtual Town Hall on Sep 8th with about 70 faith leaders, lay and rostered gathering together. There are specific guidelines to follow in order for our congregations to continue meet safely. 

1.Synod encourages our faith communities to continue to move forward with face to face community activity, including in-person worship, complete with Holy Communion, congregational singing, etc.

2. Synod recommends that faith leaders continue to encourage their people to be vaccinated for the safety of the whole community.

3. To protect our children, and to protect those among us who have not been vaccinated, synod recommends that faith communities mandate masking at indoor events, including worship.            Faith communities should provide masks at the door so no one is turned away.

4. Given that our children are not able to be vaccinated, synod recommends that faith communities do not hold in-person Sunday School gatherings this fall.

5. Synod recommends the continued vigilant use of hand-sanitizer when we meet, especially for those who may be assisting with communion.

6. Synod recommends that church visitors and worship attendees sign-in for contact tracing purposes.

7. Synod recommends that we delay for a time:

a. the use of the Common Cup in worship.

b. the practice of physically sharing the peace with hugs and handshakes.

c. the practice of the pastor shaking hands with the gathering following service.

d. pot-luck meals. If a shared meal is deemed as needed, a served meal or at least a served buffet is preferable.

Many of us were hoping that this fall would be less complicated than our experience in the 2020-2021 program year. While it is disappointing that we are still working out how to navigate yet another wave of the pandemic, vaccination levels certainly give us a better place to stand. Synod will gather faith leaders together in coming months as the world unfolds.

As children we used to sing, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” That matters to us especially as we continue to walk this challenging road. Pray for each other. Be kind to each other. Peace, Bishop Sid


God bless and keep you safe!

Pastor Marilyn

September 5, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Since the September newsletter came out earlier this week, I will keep my comments brief. 

We are still learning how to record a live service (a whole new learning curve) and awaiting an upgrade in the church’s internet connection. Again, thanks for your patience.  There is a Sask Synod town hall zoom meeting this week for rostered and lay leaders and I also have a meeting with Saskatoon pastors.  I will let you know of any suggestions that come out of those two meetings. 

It has been wonderful to meet with a small group of worshipers on a Sunday morning.  So far our numbers are small enough to make sure that there is space between households.  Since there has not been any worries about too many people coming we are not asking people to pre-register, just to sign in when they come. I look forward to seeing you when you feel it is safe for you to attend in person.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Link to worship this week:  https://youtu.be/MuNVg8DI9tk