December 18, 2021

Dear Church family,

It has been a bit of a “rerun” week. We seem to be circling back into a new covid concern.  Fortunately, we do have some experience with this and know how to slow down and take whatever measures we need to in order to minimize risk to ourselves and others.  With this in mind, our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will be on-line again this year. 

The Christmas Eve Candlelight service is being prepared for this coming week and you will be able to have a candle light service at home with the people in your “bubble.”  This is also a service you can share with family and friends who are not able to travel to you this year. We may be separated by distance, but on-line we can be together. I am sad to not be able to see people in-person on Christmas Eve, but I look forward to that time coming soon.

Our Christmas Day service is the beautiful Christmas Lessons Carols service which was prepared last year.  This service, from the Anglican tradition, retells the Christmas story with scripture readings and music. Our Augustana St. Timothy choir lead our music and many readers share the Word with us.

This Sunday (December 19) we will have worship in-person and on-line at the regular time (10:30 am).  We will also have an in-person Blue Christmas Service at 3 pm.  The Blue Christmas Service acknowledges that this time of year is difficult for some. The bulletin for that service is attached to this email. Please remember to wear a mask if you attend an in-person service.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week: