January 14, 2022

Dear Church Family,

We are “pivoting” once again.  We are only going to have church on-line for the time being.  This means there will be no in-person worship and all groups are to meet via zoom once again.  We will re-evaluate after Feb. 16th. On one hand I am very sorry to share this information with you, but on the other hand I am glad that we know how to shift as quickly as we can. We have become very adaptable.  We need to revise the church joke:  “How many people does it take to change a light bulb at church?”  Whatever the answer used to be it has been altered “ …. Except during a pandemic”

I have a two-part assignment for everyone this week.  Part one: phone or contact someone who helps to give you strength and courage. Part two:  phone or contact someone who needs your encouragement.  The first part is self-care and the second part is taking care of another.

There will not always be someone in the church office during this time, but the phone messages will always be answered and my cell phone is always on and charged. Lorene and I will take turns being in the office.

There is a glimmer of light in all of this

  • We have the capability to go on-line: we know how to do this

  • In the last couple of years we have learned how to be adaptable as a caring community: we know how to do this … we have been doing this

  • Omicron might just be the beginning of the end of the pandemic (Pastor Ali Tote offered this hope … but he also said it might not be J )

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Livestream worship 10:30 am Sunday and available on YouTube after that.

Link to worship:  https://youtu.be/S6UGs5FTQlY

Link to Bishop’s letter:  https://sasksynod.ca/wp-content/uploads/Bishops-letter-Jan-2022.pdf