September 5, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Since the September newsletter came out earlier this week, I will keep my comments brief. 

We are still learning how to record a live service (a whole new learning curve) and awaiting an upgrade in the church’s internet connection. Again, thanks for your patience.  There is a Sask Synod town hall zoom meeting this week for rostered and lay leaders and I also have a meeting with Saskatoon pastors.  I will let you know of any suggestions that come out of those two meetings. 

It has been wonderful to meet with a small group of worshipers on a Sunday morning.  So far our numbers are small enough to make sure that there is space between households.  Since there has not been any worries about too many people coming we are not asking people to pre-register, just to sign in when they come. I look forward to seeing you when you feel it is safe for you to attend in person.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Link to worship this week: