August 21, 2021

Dear Church Family,

I have a rather long update for you this week … please bear with me to the end.  The quality of “patience” keeps popping up J Thank you for your continued patience.

We have a guest preacher this week: Eastern Synod Bishop Michael Pryse.  With 5 weeks centered around “Bread of Life” this summer, it is good to hear another voice on the topic.

Figuring out life and church life continues to be a challenge.  With Covid 19 still in the community and public health measures gone it is hard to know how best to proceed.  I have been using the Saskatchewan “Know your risk checklist” to help me make decisions for myself and for our congregation.  If you are using this to guide your return to church here are some of the things we are doing to make in-person worship safe:

  • We wear masks for church – this way we can sing

  • Ventilation – we keep the windows open for the service

  • Spacing – there is an empty pew between households

  • Time – I am trying to keep services as brief as possible.

  • Numbers – we are limiting worship to 35 people a Sunday at this time.  When we are sure it is safe to increase numbers we will do so. We will continue to keep a list of who attends worship just in case we need to do contact tracing.

  • Shared activities – we do not pass the offering plate, we share the peace in a safe (non-touching) way, bulletins are handled by one person

  • Speaking – the pastor and worship assistant are 4 m. away from the congregation when they speak without a mask

  • Holy Communion –  we are sharing communion in a manner suggested by the synod during the height of the pandemic. You do not have to come forward for communion and you can also choose to receive only the bread. We are using a pouring chalice (wine & grape juice) so that only the one receiving communion touches their own individual glass.

 You are welcome to attend worship in person, but you are also welcome to attend worship on-line.  Come back to worship in-person when you feel you are safe to do so.  I miss seeing you, but I want you to be safe. I eagerly look forward to seeing you face to face!

We have been recording the Sunday morning worship service with mixed success.  I understand that some people have had trouble with garbled audio and others have no such issue.  I don’t know why this is and people who know more than I about this sort of thing are trying to rectify the problem. We are still learning how to provide a dependable worship service on-line and in-person. Please let me know if you are experiencing difficulty with the recorded services.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Link to website:

Link to the recorded service will be available later in the day Sunday (that means if you have got in the habit of attending worship services in your pj’s you will have to keep them on all day to continue doing so).

The link from our website remains the most reliable way to reach the recording.

Link to worship by phone: 306-205-1168

Link to “Know your risk checklist:


August 14, 2021

Dear church family,

This Sunday will be our 4th worship service in-person! During that time we have made it a priority to ensure that people without access to a computer have space at church.  But there is room for more people at worship in person.  We have been following careful guidelines to ensure that we are gathering for worship safely. If you feel comfortable, come and join us at 10:30 am this Sunday. Give me a call, text, or email to let me know you are coming. 

There will still be worship on-line (and we are improving on recording a live service, thanks for your patience). The best way to access Sunday morning worship is through our website (it will be available sometime on Sunday). We also still have worship by phone.  We welcome Good Shepherd Lutheran to worship again this week.

Lorene Jewett will be back in the office this week after her vacation.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Website link:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

August 8, 2021

Dear church family,

Here is the link to today’s worship. My apologies for the sound quality of last week’s service. Every week we will get better at recording a live service. This week we have the help of Deacon Alexa Wallace. Many thanks to Bishop Chris Harper of the Anglican Saskatoon Diocese for lending her to us.  This week will be a live stream (and also available later as a taped service). You can access the service through our you tube channel link below.   

This will be our third in-person service.  There have been a few more people each week.  I am looking forward to increasing our numbers every week, as people are comfortable returning to in-person services. Please call the church office, text, phone or email me if you plan to come to worship next Sunday.

Pastor Marilyn

August 8st Worship with Good ShepherdAugustana Saskatoon - YouTube 

July 30, 2021

Dear church family,

This week is different: we will be recording our Sunday morning service on Sunday morning and it will be available later in the day.  I will send out the link as soon as I have it, but you can always find the link to worship on our website or on our you tube channel (links at the end of the email).  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is joining us for worship on-line. 

There are still openings to attend worship this Sunday (August 1).  We are limiting the number of people in-person for worship for the time being.  As the weeks go along safely, we will increase our numbers.  We had a small number of people at worship last Sunday and all went well except for a small glitch with the sound system (that is the hiccough Lorene referred to in her email).

Lorene, our office administrator, is on vacation: If you wish to register for worship please call or text my cell phone or email me (not the main church email) as soon as possible. Please wear a mask when you attend worship and stay home if you feel unwell. The mask makes it possible for us to sing.

This week we are exploring food to nourish our soul. Join us for worship online, by phone, or in person and nourish your soul.

God bless and keep you safe,

Pastor Marilyn

Augustana’s You Tube Channel:

Worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

July 25, 2021

Dear Church family,

 We are heading back to worship in our church building.  We are returning in a cautious and gradual way.  This Sunday there will be a small in-person service at 10:30 am with an upper limit of 35 participants (Lorene sent out the invitation earlier in the week so people could pre-register). This Sunday the in-person worship service is giving priority to those who do not have access to a computer. We will continue to provide on-line worship and worship by phone.  If we find that we have more people wishing to worship in person than we can accommodate at one service we will add a second service.

 After this Sunday, worship on-line and by phone might look and sound a little different, but it will still be available. Please be patient as we learn how to record a live service and make it available on-line. Thank you for your patience these past 17 months as we continually learned new ways to be a church community. It has been an adventure and the adventure is not over yet.

 The Broadway Street Fair on September 11th is going ahead this year and Augustana will have a booth.  Crafts for the street fair are welcome.  Talk to Gord Morley for more information.

 God bless and keep you safe.

Pastor Marilyn


 WORSHIP BY PHONE: 1-306-205-1168


July 21, 2021

Hello Church Family,

Good News! Augustana will be returning to in-person worship this Sunday, July 25th.

In order to maintain physical distancing in the church, we have a limited number of "seats" available for worship (35). To secure your seat, you will need to register by phoning or emailing the church.

First priority will be individuals who have been unable to access any online services due to lack of a computer.

As you walk in the church building, there will be a table set up in the narthex for screening and to sign you in. You will also be offered some hand sanitizer at this time.

As you proceed into the sanctuary, there will be bulletins handed out. We ask that you keep physically distanced 2 metres and sit only in the pews indicated. 

Once you are seated, we ask that you not walk around to visit with other congregation members.

The church windows will be open and we will be singing but with masks on.

Please bring your offering to put in the plates at back of the church.

When the service is over, we ask that you continue to physically distance as you leave the sanctuary and keep socializing in the building to a minimum.

We know things will look and feel different, but by following the protocols recommended by our health professionals, we are doing what we can to ensure that worship at Augustana is a positive and safe experience for all.

 Thank you all for your cooperation.

 ********Please do not enter the church if you have a temperature, feel ill with chills or sore throat or a cough, have difficulty breathing, are quarantined due to travel reasons, or have been in contact with a COVID-19 positive individual over the past two weeks.********


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

Augustana Lutheran Church

1201 Broadway Avenue

Saskatoon, SK  S7H 2A4



July 17, 2021

Dear Church family,

I hope you are able to stay cool and out of the smoky air.  I am meeting with the Worship committee and the Health Cabinet and others on Saturday to put together a plan for returning to worship in-person.  It will be a cautious and gradual return and we will continue to provide on-line worship and worship by phone. 

Zoom service of Holy Communion this Sunday at 2 pm (link below)

The Broadway Street Fair, September 11, is going ahead this year and Augustana will have a spot.  Crafts for our booth are welcome.  Talk to Gord Morley for more information.

God bless and keep you safe.

Pastor Marilyn


WORSHIP BY PHONE: 1-306-205-1168

ZOOM HOLY COMMUNION at 2 pm (zoom meetings are time sensitive)


July 9, 2021

Dear Church family,

I am back from some vacation time.  It was very good to take a break. I’m didn’t realize how tired out I was until I took some time to renew.  Whether we realize it or not the pandemic has had some effect on all of us and I am no exception.  Related to this is a yearly event:  July 24th International Self Care day.  “The 24th of July symbolizes that the benefits of self-care are experienced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."    If we do not recharge our own “batteries” we are not much good to the other people in our lives. That day is a bit in the future, but it would be good to start making plans for it right now: what would help you to maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being? 

For our spiritual well-being I am hoping to begin in-person worship services at Augustana as soon as possible.  The Worship committee and Health Cabinet will be meeting next Saturday to determine how to do this as safely as possibly. 

During the pandemic I have learned that church is not the building … it is the people, the community of faith, who are the most important “structure”.  I also learned that the building provides a place for those people to gather together.  So the building – in itself -- isn’t really important, but what it makes space for is absolutely important.  WHAT DID THE PANDEMIC TEACH YOU?

There are two resources that I have provided links to below. The first is a summer devotion series from the Manitoba Synod. It is designed for families with children at home, but I like it too. I have attached the PDF to this email, but the church office can print one out for you if you wish. The second is a resource from the government on how to assess one’s safety on resuming activities.  It thought it might help us, individually, make good decisions about returning to worship in person.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn


(if you use this resource, please let the church office know how it works for you)


Summer 2021 Devotions for Families: Jesus Meets Us

Help in making decisions regarding attending events:


July 2, 2021

Dear Church Family,


Worship this week:     

Pastor Munye of Good Shepherd Lutheran is leading the service. Augustana readers are participating again.

Click on the link and scroll down to video for the July 4th Service (available Saturday) Bulletins will be below the video and are also attached.

Holy Communion will be included in the service so please feel free to participate and have a piece of bread and some wine or grape juice for that part of the service.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week) 

  • Our Parish Nurse Carol is still on vacation, possibly until July 11th.

  • The July-September Eternity for Today devotionals have arrived at the church.  Please feel free to pick one up.

  • For those of you who know Pastor Stuart Lundahl (1958-62), his wife Dorothy suffered a stroke some months ago and is still unable to walk with her one side paralyzed. Also, Pastor Ted Chell, who served Augustana in the mid-70’s continues to be in quite compromised health.

A Prayer for those Impacted by the Record-breaking Heat Wave in the West
Our National Bishop shares the following prayer for all who are impacted by the extreme temperatures:
Creating God, the earth groans in the current heat wave. We pray for those who have lost their lives, for those who mourn. We thank you for our neighbors who are stepping forward offering shelter, coolness, and water - the gift of life. In your life giving name we pray. Amen.

June 26, 2021

Dear Church Family,


Worship this week:     

Pastor Munye of Good Shepherd Lutheran is leading the service. Augustana readers are participating.

Click on the link and scroll down to video for the June 27th Service (available Saturday) Bulletins will be below the video.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

  • Memorial Service for Louise Goos will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, June 28, 2021 at Windsor Chapel (704 Windsor St.) in Saskatoon with live-streaming available at .

Arrangements in care of Aimé Laventure – Mourning Glory Funeral Services (306) 978-5200.

Memorial contributions may be made to:

LutherCare Foundation, 1212 Osler Street, Saskatoon;

LuMinHos, P.O. Box 23019, RP0 Market Mall, Saskatoon;

Cornerstone Foundation, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, 1001 E. Touhy Avenue, Suite 50 Des Plaines, IL 60018;

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chicago, 1218 West Addison Street, Chicago, IL 60613;

or a charity of your choice.

  • Our Parish Nurse Carol will be on vacation starting June 29th possibly until July 11th.

  • Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is seeking a person to serve in the part-time Administrative Assistant position. The position provides administration support to the Pastor, the Church Management Team, and other congregational committees.

All interested applicants can contact Aaron Fornwald at 306-229-1974 or

  • You are invited to participate in LuMinHoS Annual General Meeting (AGM) via Zoom (link below) on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 7pm.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 2777 4768
Passcode: 181451

AGM Reports will be available on the LuMinHoS website

  • Register today for the 2021 Anglican Lutheran National Worship Conference (NWC). Disruption and Grace: Learning Edges in Liminal Times - the 2021 NWC is all about exploring the disruptions and the graces we have experienced in the current pandemic and other unsettling circumstances. What have we learned from these experiences? This conference will take place on July 6-7, 2021. To see the full schedule, keynote speakers, and other information, please visit

Blessings for the week,

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

Augustana Lutheran Church

1201 Broadway Avenue

Saskatoon, SK  S7H 2A4


June 18, 2021

Dear Church Family,


Worship this week:   Click on the link for the June 20th Service – Father’s Day and also World Refugee Day! Service is attached.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

It is with sadness, we announce the passing of Louise Goos on June 13th.

Funeral arrangements are being made for Monday, June 28th, and further details will be made available later.

Current Financials

YTD May 31, 2021

Income $74,509

Expenses $87,901

Total -$13,392

Bank Balance $44,353

  • The Sask Synod (ELCIC) 2021 Convention took place online June 4-5 via Zoom. You may now watch the recorded sessions on the Sask Synod YouTube Channel. 

  • On Monday, June 21, we lift up National Indigenous Peoples Day. The ELCIC shares with you resources from our Full Communion partner, the Anglican Church of Canada who on Saturday, June 19 will be hosting an online video worship service. The service will include contributions from Indigenous Anglicans and non-Indigenous allies from coast to coast to coast. 

  • A Light for Every Birth, Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 1 p.m. ET – This webinar will provide a deeper look into PWRDF's “Light for Every Birth” project, an effort to bring electric light to clinics and birthing centres in rural Mozambique. Representatives of We Care Solar will demonstrate their solar suitcase, and PWRDF staff will provide an overview of the partnership with EHALE, the implementing organization in Mozambique. Register here

  • You are invited to attend Acting Together in Canadian Churches to Observe The International Decade for People of African Descent on Thursday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. ET.   This event continues the conversation of the November 2020 Cross-Canada event. There will be a small group time to reflect on what we can do together and support each other (Participants will be grouped into French language and English language rooms). There will also be an opportunity to hear about and join existing initiatives or to caucus by church tradition or region to connect toward working together on the decade in the Canadian churches. For more information and to register, please click here. 

  • You are invited to participate in LuMinHoS Annual General Meeting (AGM) via Zoom (link below) on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 7pm.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 2777 4768
Passcode: 181451

AGM Reports will be available soon on the LuMinHoS website


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

Augustana Lutheran Church

1201 Broadway Avenue

Saskatoon, SK  S7H 2A4




June 11, 2021

Hello Church Family,

Worship this week is led by Redeemer Lutheran and Pastor Trent Felstrom via YouTube.

Sunday service will go live at 9:50am, with worship beginning at 10am.  Join the livestream by clicking on this link

An order of service for June 13th is attached for your information.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

Also, a special invitation is extended to join ReJUNEvation 2021 which will be livestreamed June 16-18, 2021, with the theme, “Now it Springs Forth: Do you Not Perceive it? Looking for Ecumenical Movement with Fresh Eyes." The theme invites us to reflect on some of the most interesting and promising new directions for the ecumenical movement as we head further into the 21st century.

There is no registration fee for this event but a donation of $50 will contribute to the event expenses. For donations over $50, a tax receipt will be issued for any amount over $50.

Theme times will feature: talks by Rev. Dr. Scott Sharman, a theologian and priest in the Anglican tradition from Edmonton; singing with Tannis Schmidt, St Andrew’s College Musician-in-Residence; and time for questions and discussion with Scott and one another.

  • Theme 1 (June 16) – Decolonizing Ecumenism

  • Theme 2 (June 17) – Interfaith Intersections

  • Theme 3 (June 18) – Ecumenism Post-Christendom

More information can be found here and you can register here.

God bless and keep well,

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin

Augustana Lutheran Church

1201 Broadway Avenue

Saskatoon, SK  S7H 2A4


June 5, 2021

Dear Church Family,

This is my last update until July as I am going to take some time off.  Worship will continue every week while I am away.  The weekly link will be available on our website or through the church office.  The phone number for worship remains the same every week. 

This week (and June 20th) Evelyn Knoll has provided special music. It is wonderful to hear her play for worship!

Katherine Soule Blaser asked me to share the link to her Mom, Edna Soule’s, funeral.  The funeral was held at Augustana with a small number of family members present. The link for Edna’s funeral is:

Mental Health suggestions this week – I recently came across information from Red Cross that has a program called “Red Cross Friendly Calls.”  The program pairs specially trained volunteers for regular phone visit to people looking for new social connections.  Here is a link to some mental health suggestions from them  (more below as well)

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week)

Zoom communion in June will be Sunday, June 6 at 2 pm


Also from the Red Cross blog: 

Feeling lonely? It’s expected – and many people are feeling this way right now.

Last year we teamed up with research firm Leger for a study on the social and psychological impacts related to COVID-19 for Canadians. The study found that nearly one-third of those 65 years and older who are living alone and in fair or poor health reported feeling lonely either frequently or every day. The results also suggest that young adults have a more pronounced vulnerability to loneliness.

Fortunately, there are things you can do. Here’s four tips on helping yourself and others.


This may seem obvious, but it’s common for people to feel like they should struggle alone with loneliness.

You don’t have to wait for others to make contact - try and reach out yourself. Chances are, if you’re missing a friend, they might be missing you too.

It can help to have a think about the people you know and come up with some ideas for how you can connect with them better. 


Meeting new people can also help with loneliness, although admittedly this may be tougher than normal during the pandemic.

Think of activities or hobbies you enjoy or you’d like to learn. Chances are, there’s an opportunity to join others with the same interests. If you’re not able to take up a new hobby or activity in person right now, you could look into online activities such as a virtual games group, language lessons or even an online book club.

Volunteering with a charitable organisation (including the Red Cross, wink wink!) is an excellent way to expand your circle. The Canadian Red Cross also has virtual volunteer opportunities for those who want to help out from their home right now.

Still unsure how to start? Our friends at the British Red Cross have a helpful resource for creating new connections.


If you’re struggling with loneliness, don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Finally, make sure you check in on others who may be feeling lonely right now.  Let’s keep looking out for one another, keep safe, and keep healthy.


May 29, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Since the June newsletter is attached I do not have much more to share today. Just the suggestions below: 

Mental Health suggestions this week – I have received many suggestions about finding a way to spend time in God’s good creation: finding a place to sit in the sun, getting your hands in dirt, watching the birds, going for a walk.  There is something rejuvenating about being part of creation. 

I am still collecting your mental health suggestions to share with others.  Your suggestion might be just what someone else needs to hear. 

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn                                                                      

Worship this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

Zoom communion in June will be Sunday, June 6 at 2 pm

May 22, 2021

Dear Church Family,

I hope you have a beautiful long weekend.  It always seems to be the gateway to summer. 

I want to remind you that your household can meet with me at the church to receive communion.  If you wish to do this, please contact me or the church office to set up a time.

We will continue to worship on-line for the time being.  We will be revisiting this decision as the situation in Saskatoon improves and vaccine numbers go up.  When we do return to worship in person we will continue to have our worship services available on-line.  If you would like to be part of the team that makes that possible your help will gladly be accepted.  There will be opportunity to learn new skills as well. The covid virus forced us into the 21st century and now we need to learn how to keep that up.

Mental Health suggestions this week – Thank you to Gwen Gleason-Graham who has provided a number of suggestions.  Here are two of her suggestions: 

1. There is a lot of talk on mindfulness recently.  The definition of mindfulness is: "being present in the moment with acceptance".  Prayer is one of the options in the mindfulness realm.  Prayer allows us to be present in the moment, take the space to breathe and just be; it's also extremely beneficial both physically and emotionally.

2. Keep in contact with others … reaching out by the means that we have available to keep connected to others means even though we can't always see them we know that we are loved and cared for!

I am still collecting your mental health suggestions to share with others.  Your suggestion might be just what someone else needs to hear. 

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

Zoom communion in June will be Sunday, June 6 at 2 pm

May 15, 2021

Dear Church Family,

This week we celebrate Christ’s going up to heaven.  Ascension Day was this past Thursday, but we are celebrating it in this week’s worship.  Christ’s leaving comes with a promise that God’s presence in our lives does not come to an end.  Just as Jesus walked with the disciples, God’s Holy Spirit continues to walk with us now.

O Christ God, you have ascended in Glory,
Granting joy to your disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Through the blessing they were assured
That you are the Son of God,
The Redeemer of the world!

(an Ascension hymn from the Orthodox church)

Thanks to Elsa Lissel-DeCorby for her music preparing us for worship!  Music feeds the soul and expresses what words alone cannot.

Mental Health suggestions this week – The first is to listen to your favorite music and maybe even move or dance to it.  Second is a seated breathing exercise called “square breathing.”  Sitting down with your feet firmly planted, close your eyes and breathe in for a count of 2, hold that breath for a count of 2, breath out for a count of 2, hold for a count of 2, repeat.  It is a calming breathing exercise you can do almost anywhere. 

I am still collecting your mental health suggestions to share with others.  Your suggestion might be just what someone else needs to hear. 

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week

Zoom communion 2 pm Sunday May 16th 

Join Zoom Meeting at 2 pm

Meeting ID: 857 0035 6744
Passcode: 717246

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

May 8, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

We worship with Zion and the other ELCIC churches this week.  This is a special joint service because Pastor Michael Diegel will be installed as Chaplain at the Regional Psychiatric Centre.  Our joint ELCIC service was the best option to gather for an installation service during Covid 19.  Pastor Michael is also preaching this week and we will have an opportunity to learn about the ministry he has been involved in at RPC.  Pastor Michael began his ministry at RPC quite a while ago, so it is good to be able to celebrate his installation now.

I am still collecting your suggestions of strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this past year of physical distancing and stress.  Please share with me the things that have worked for you.  Your suggestions might also be helpful to others.  Many thanks to those who have sent me in their suggestions.

Mental Health suggestions this week – One suggestion from Gwen Gleason-Graham is to focus on what you still have and what you still can do rather than what you can't. A Gratitude Journal is often important.  The second suggestion for this week is to ask for help when you need it.  I include both my and Parish Nurse Carol’s email address on my weekly updates so that you can contact either of us.  We are both good listeners and can help you find the resources you need.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week:  10:30 am livestream worship with Zion and the other ELCIC churches in the city.  The service will be recorded and will be up on the Zion YouTube channel later on, but originally it will be on beginning at 10:30 am Sunday morning.

Worship link:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

May 1, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

I am still collecting your suggestions of strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this past year of physical distancing and stress.  Please share with me the things that have worked for you.  They might also be helpful to others. 

Mental Health suggestion – when you read the May newsletter you will see some feedback on our Walk From Syria.  That experience taught us that keeping physically actively also helps our mental health. Doesn’t matter what level of fitness you are at … being active at your own level of ability is the best.  If you have not been active for a while you should talk to your doctor before starting something new.

Check out the newsletter for more Augustana news and the May calendar.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

April 24, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

I have the sad news to share that Edna Soule died this past week.  Please keep her daughter Katherine Soule Blaser and her family in your prayers. We give thanks for a life and faith well lived and pray that God will comfort her friends and families.

I am collecting your suggestions of strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this past year of physical distancing and stress.  Please share with me the things that have worked for you.  They might also be helpful to others.  With that in mind I have a two-part suggestion for this week:

Mental Health suggestion – sometimes there are phrases or Bible verses that are very helpful when repeated to oneself.  Mark Stauffer shared a Bible verse that his Mother quoted when life was difficult or complicated:  “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).   This verse helped her or the one she was advising to take a pause and remember that God was present in the midst of the situation: a pause that allowed for reframing or looking at the situation from a different perspective. The second part of this suggestion came from Gayle Dixon who finds colouring relaxing.  I have attached a “Be Still and Know” colouring page with this email.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link for this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

April 17, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

The robins have arrived and I can hear them singing in the morning and evening.  It is a cheerful sound that I love to hear every year.  And it is something that Covid 19 has not effected.  Over the last year I have been giving people weekly assignments or suggestions on how to remain connected to our church family.  Please carry on with your calls, letters, texts and emails to others … they are very appreciated.

What I would like to do for the next little while is ask you for the strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this year of physical distancing and stress.  Please send me the things that have worked for you which might be helpful for others.  With that in mind here is the first idea on how to maintain your mental health …

Mental Health suggestion # 1 – everyday spend a bit of time outside or open your window and listen for the robins’ song and breath in some fresh air. 

By the streams the birds of the air have their habitation;
   they sing among the branches. Psalm 104

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link this week:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168

Holy Communion by zoom 2 pm Sunday: