May 8, 2021

Dear Church Family,

Alleluia, Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!

We worship with Zion and the other ELCIC churches this week.  This is a special joint service because Pastor Michael Diegel will be installed as Chaplain at the Regional Psychiatric Centre.  Our joint ELCIC service was the best option to gather for an installation service during Covid 19.  Pastor Michael is also preaching this week and we will have an opportunity to learn about the ministry he has been involved in at RPC.  Pastor Michael began his ministry at RPC quite a while ago, so it is good to be able to celebrate his installation now.

I am still collecting your suggestions of strategies that have helped you maintain your mental health during this past year of physical distancing and stress.  Please share with me the things that have worked for you.  Your suggestions might also be helpful to others.  Many thanks to those who have sent me in their suggestions.

Mental Health suggestions this week – One suggestion from Gwen Gleason-Graham is to focus on what you still have and what you still can do rather than what you can't. A Gratitude Journal is often important.  The second suggestion for this week is to ask for help when you need it.  I include both my and Parish Nurse Carol’s email address on my weekly updates so that you can contact either of us.  We are both good listeners and can help you find the resources you need.

God bless and keep you well,

Pastor Marilyn

Worship this week:  10:30 am livestream worship with Zion and the other ELCIC churches in the city.  The service will be recorded and will be up on the Zion YouTube channel later on, but originally it will be on beginning at 10:30 am Sunday morning.

Worship link:

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168