July 2, 2021

Dear Church Family,


Worship this week:  https://goodshepherdsaskatoon.ca/     

Pastor Munye of Good Shepherd Lutheran is leading the service. Augustana readers are participating again.

Click on the link and scroll down to video for the July 4th Service (available Saturday) Bulletins will be below the video and are also attached.

Holy Communion will be included in the service so please feel free to participate and have a piece of bread and some wine or grape juice for that part of the service.

Worship by phone: 1-306-205-1168 (same every week) 

  • Our Parish Nurse Carol is still on vacation, possibly until July 11th.

  • The July-September Eternity for Today devotionals have arrived at the church.  Please feel free to pick one up.

  • For those of you who know Pastor Stuart Lundahl (1958-62), his wife Dorothy suffered a stroke some months ago and is still unable to walk with her one side paralyzed. Also, Pastor Ted Chell, who served Augustana in the mid-70’s continues to be in quite compromised health.

A Prayer for those Impacted by the Record-breaking Heat Wave in the West
Our National Bishop shares the following prayer for all who are impacted by the extreme temperatures:
Creating God, the earth groans in the current heat wave. We pray for those who have lost their lives, for those who mourn. We thank you for our neighbors who are stepping forward offering shelter, coolness, and water - the gift of life. In your life giving name we pray. Amen.