September 26, 2020

Dear church family,

There is lots of news in the newsletter (attached and on the website) including an introduction to our new admin. assistant Lorene Jewitt.  I do have a few things to highlight this week.

  • If you are attending worship in-person next Sunday (Oct. 4) please pre-register by Friday. Just call or email the church office.  Check out what a worship service in person will be like in the newsletter.

  • Last week we had a surprise visit from my dog Sophie … This week, as the commemoration of St. Francis, I am hoping for many more visits of the animals in our lives.  Please send me a picture of your animal so it can be included in our blessing of the animals in worship next week.  Text or email will work (by Thursday please).

  • Calendar addition: CPR training October 26, 5 pm. Please call Carol Kostiuk or Linda Catton for more information or to register.

  • Life is different – no doubt about that – and we are still trying to figure out how to do what we normally do.  We will still do Christmas hampers this year.  It may be done a bit differently, but we are going ahead with this regular part of our ministry and outreach.  If you wish to make a donation towards this, please indicate so on your offering.

God bless and keep you well

Pastor Marilyn

Worship link this week: