October 3, 2020

Dear Church Family,

Tomorrow we are going to have our first in-person service since the middle of March.  We are following all the guidelines that the province and Saskatchewan Synod have provided.  We will see how things go before we confirm the next in-person service November 1. In Europe and Great Britain all the churches that have followed the covid 19 protocols have had a safe return to in-person worship.  We will continue to provide an on-line service, so don’t feel pressured to return to services in the church building. Check out the newsletter on our website for more information.

The on-line service this week is pretty special with many photos of the animals in our lives.  I have recently learned that you can click on CC – closed caption on our you tube service and the words of the service will come up.  Handy for anyone who has a hearing loss.

Please keep Wes and Brenda Ulmer in your prayers.  Brenda’s sister, Judy Harris, died recently.  Judy operated the personal care home where Byron Horner lived until recently.

We and the other Saskatoon Lutheran churches will be joining Zion (on-line) for worship next weekend. 

God bless and keep you well.

Pastor Marilyn

This week’s link to worship:  https://youtu.be/8KQHoRx4Ngo