June 4, 2022

Dear Church Family,

We are into June and the start of Pentecost. And Rev. Michael Diegel who will be leading the service this Sunday while Pastor Marilyn is on short-term disability.

Thank you to our lector Pat Blakley, ushers Dawn and Rose Ingram, musician Mik Bickis, choir director Deb Buck, and technical support Bryan Tastad who will be assisting in the service on Sunday. Thanks also to the Augustana-St. Timothy’s Choir for leading the singing this Sunday as we move to a new liturgy setting.

This Sunday we will be serving communion and thanks to Sharon and Gord Morley and Linda Stauffer for preparations in this area.

Last but not least, a shout out to Jim Komar who has been faithfully serving as the secretary of the Prayer Net for the last 8 years.  Jim is stepping down from this role and if anyone is interested in taking on this challenge now it would be greatly appreciated. The prayer list is simple to prepare.  It has been all set up for electronic word processing; the only work required is to insert/remove the changes as they are received.  Preparing the monthly worksheet and list takes about 4 hours a month. Jim would be available to help with any initial questions.

Blessings on your weekend and please find the June Newsletter attached.

Worship link for Sunday: https://youtu.be/6oY1c2Dt5BY

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin