June 30, 2022

Dear Church Family,

It’s Jazz Service Sunday! Welcome to Rev. Dr. Ann Salmon who will be leading the service along with a wonderful group of musical and worship assistants: Mik Bickis, Anna-Marie Skogsrud, Sharon and Gord Morley, Bonnie Moser, Bryan Tastad and Larry Trenouth.

A huge thank you to the jazz musicians: Sheldon Corbett (saxophone), Glenn Ens (drums), David Hunter (trumpet), Kim Salkeld (piano) and Bruce Wilkinson (bass).

It promises to be a swinging service.

Next Sunday, July 10th,  it will be Holy Communion with Rev. Michael Diegel leading the service.

Worship link for this Sunday: https://youtu.be/J1WFrDPO2bQ

On another Pastor David Hunter has noted that the Computers for Kids program has been discontinued and they are trying to get rid of a bunch of excess computers.

He may have a connection to possibly pick up one or two if anyone might be interested.

Have a great weekend! Happy Canada Day! Enjoy reading the Augustana July-August Newsletter.


Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin