November 25, 2022

Dear Church Family,

Welcome to the first Sunday of Advent!

Please find attached a special advent calendar, along with the children’s activity sheets and bulletin for Sunday November 27th.

The advent calendar relates to the series “From Generation to Generation” that is being followed during Advent. You will also find attached an insert of announcements.

Thank you to our lector Chris Martin, musician Mik Bickis, ushers Bonnie Moser and Larry Trenouth, and technical support Karen Wallace for assisting in worship today. Thank you also the Augustana-St. Timothy’s choir and the Lindenbach family for helping with the advent candle lighting.

Worship link for Sunday:

To Note:

For those who missed the service of wonderful music last week with Pastor Kirk Tastad and guest Pastor Alexa Wallace please find the link for viewing/listening

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin