February 20, 2021

Pastor Marilyn is on holiday this week, but here are the links for worship this week:

Sunday Worship (pre-recorded):  https://youtu.be/M7vxuYukSDU or phone in service 1-306-205-1168

Wednesday joint Lenten Service Zoom link:    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89600870712?pwd=YjlxOEE5bUFyUE81QUp0bGJpQXNKdz09

  • Zoom links are time and day sensitive. You should be able to link in at 7 pm every Wednesday during Lent. 

  • The service starts at 7:30 pm. 

  • Our mid-week Lenten services this year are Holden Evening Prayer with a Bible Reading and Devotion/Bible Study.  The Augustana St. Timothy’s Choir is leading Holden Evening Prayer and each week the host church will provide the Reading and Devotion/Bible Study.

  • The zoom link for each week is the same.