February 12, 2021

Dear Church Family,

This week we worship with Good Shepherd Lutheran as it is the second Sunday of the month. Bulletins that indicate how the service will flow are attached together with items for Sunday school for parents. A copy of the sermon is also included in case there are some who need it. The video (and documents) can be viewed by Sunday on Augustana’s website: http://augustanasaskatoon.net/

And don’t forget our worship by phone:  1-306-205-1168

Our Walk from Syria is progressing with over a 1,000 KM travelled in 2 weeks. Check in every week on our website for reflections and updates and don’t forget to email in pictures to the office when you have the chance. No larger than 2MB.  Please send in your kilometers every week by Friday noon (phone, email, or google).  10 minutes activity = 1 kilometer.

And not to be forgotten, the Weekly Assignment: contact someone with their anniversary in the same month as you or continue to contact people with the same birth month.

In other news, Sask Synod has shared the following information to pass on:

Climate Justice - Call to Action!
If you are a youth (children and families are welcome!) or young adult who is passionate about the environment and climate change, click the link to participate in a brief  survey:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NDT8VPM
The ELCIC is building a network of young adults and youth who would like to engage the church in some climate discussions and assist the ELCIC in working towards the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Come and join the conversation! If you have any questions, please contact climate@elcic.ca

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper -  BYOPancakes

An invitation is extended to all Young Canadian Lutherans (think 18-35) to join a national young adult zoom hangout on Feb.16th FROM 6 TO 8 PM. ZOOM ID: 8384111 9981, PASSWORD: ELCICYA

Fight about pancake toppings, discuss upcoming lent, make new friends, eat a lot of syrup. You know... it’s called balance. Come as you are, leave when you’re ready.  Follow @ELCICYoungAdults for more information or email Kristina Kuhnert.


Canada Lutheran Submissions Urgently Needed

The following is forwarded from Anno Bell, editor for the Saskatchewan Section of the Canada Lutheran.
Hello friends, 
I know this is a crazy time in the world, and a crazy time to be doing the work of trying to be the church in a province where gathering isn’t allowed or safe. And I know so many of you are exhausted, depleted, and otherwise struggling to meet the needs of congregants and your own needs in this context. Knowing and understanding this, as I am married to a pastor, I would still like to request your support. It can be difficult even in “normal” times to find material for the Saskatchewan Synod section of the Canada Lutheran. I have asked the people I know to contribute in the last months, and they have faithfully done so, but we are now in some serious need of new material for the coming months. PLEASE…..consider writing a reflection on your life in ministry, or asking parishioners who do interesting things in their lives that intersect with church and home/church and work/church and society, to write me an article and send pictures. Has anything good come from this time? Have people found ways to support the elders in their congregations that are isolated and lonely? Have people found ways to dig deep for hope in what seems an endless well of situational difficulty? Have people found grace in the “less busy”, finding time to step back into what really matters? Have people in your congregation stepped up to fill needs for those that struggle - to stay warm, to stay fed, to stay hopeful? 
We are all struggling, and some of us are lucky to do so in homes that are warm and filled with love. Has an unexpected homeschooling community sprung up among the immunocompromised in your lives? Where are people finding hope and connection? 
Please consider contributing your writing and photos to me at clsaskeditor@gmail.com so that I can share your stories with our community in the months to come. 
With gratitude,
Anno Bell
Inhale Gratitude, Exhale Peace


On behalf of Pastor Marilyn,

Blessings and Stay Well,

Lorene Jewitt, Office Admin