August 8, 2020

Dear Church family,

I’m back from my back yard vacation and study leave.  I hope you have been enjoying this summer close to home. 

Augustana and all the ELCIC churches in Saskatoon join in worshiping with Zion this week.  I have attached a copy of the whole service which includes a children’s page.  The service can be accessed from our website or from this link:

I am exploring how to provide sacramental ministry such as Baptism and Holy Communion for our community. I did some visiting of other congregations during my vacation to see how others are being “church” during a pandemic and I have some ideas to talk over with our worship committee.

The news out of Lebanon this past week has been disturbing for the refugee family we are sponsoring.  The Alhamad-Wahid family are still in Lebanon awaiting word on when they can come to Canada.  They were not directly affected by the explosion in Beirut, but the ensuing unrest and shortages have been frightening for them and their family in Canada.  Please keep them in your prayers.

In Our Prayers at Augustana this week: for all who grieve especially Mik Bickis and family on the death of Mik’s brother Ugis , and for Bruce, Gloria, Clayton, Logan, William, Marcus, Brody, Karin, Anthony, Robert, Curtis, Linda, Marci, Earl, Janet, Gayle, Evelyn, Lisa, Danielle, Inger, Anne Jane, Deanna, Carol, Wilma, Mary, Marlene, those who feel a sense of isolation during this pandemic; for those who must travel; the Wahid family in Lebanon and the Iqbal family in Thailand; for teachers and students preparing for a new and different school year. Pray for the staff development people as they interview and hire a new administrative assistant in the near future.

May the peace of Christ bless you,

Pastor Marilyn

Mark Your Calendar: The Health Cabinet and Worship committee will meet by Zoom (those who cannot be there in person) and in person (for those who can safely attend) to begin making plans for how we might return to worship in our church. We will be following all recommendations and guidelines that have been put forward by the provincial government and Saskatchewan Synod.

7 pm Tuesday August 11th.

We will continue to have on-line service so that those who cannot safely attend may still be part of our worshipping community. It is recommended that seniors, young children and those with ongoing health conditions or compromised immune systems worship from home. If you have concerns or ideas going forward, please send me an email or give me a call.