May 16, 2020

Dear Church family,

I hope you are continuing to cope with our ongoing exile from the church building.  It will be a while before we can return to our building for worship and some of you will need to stay away from public gatherings for even longer.  The Health Cabinet and I have begun exploring what we need to do in order to return to 1201 Broadway safely. Our custodian, Tammi Schumacher, has been working diligently to ensure that all surfaces in the church have been disinfected regularly.  I didn’t realize just how many surfaces there are in our church building!

I have a number of announcements to pass on to:

  • The first announcement is a sad one.  Pastor Caron Parke, a member of our church, died this past week.  Please remember her children in your prayers:  Melissa & Mark

  • Book of Remembrance for Georgina – Ken and Margareth Peterson were musing on how to share our grief on the death of Georgina.  Without the possibility of a funeral or memorial service it is difficult to share our remembrances and to entrust Georgina to God’s care.  Out of that musing came the idea of shared remembrances gathered together for our congregation that will be shared with Georgina’s family. I would like to encourage you all to share how you knew Georgina and, if you wish, something you remember about her.  Please also add your thoughts and prayers for her family.  I have also begun contacting the rental groups and people who have come to know Georgina through Augustana. You can send these remembrances to me at this email address.  I am looking for someone who has the word processing ability to make this book look as good as the documents Georgina put together.

  • A number of people offered to deliver groceries or medication to those who could not get out.  It does not seem to have been a great need. However CHEP is looking for volunteer deliverers.  CHEP has taken on huge new responsibilities for food security during this pandemic. They are delivering food packages to many vulnerable people in our city:  Lunch packages to the families of children who normally accessed meals at school; people who relied on food vouchers, and most recently for the home bound elderly.  If you have an SUV or van or truck they need your help.  You can call them for more information 306-655-4575

  • I missed giving you all an “assignment” last week …. But here is your mission, if you accept it,  for the coming week.  Find someone in one of our church directories where you can begin your phone conversation with “You don’t know me, but I’m part of your church family   (give your name).  I’m just calling to ask how you are doing …..”

  • Worship committee meets by zoom Tuesday at 7 pm and Church Council Wednesday also by zoom at 7 pm.

We and other ELCIC churches are worshiping together this Sunday.  Worship is lead by King of Glory.  It is a different format than what we usually have, but this is the format which King of Glory uses to worship together/apart.

Link to King of Glory Service (Look for the box titled Augustana/St. Timothy’s Saskatoon Joint Worship. Click on “Bulletin” to see the readings and prayers and click on the right arrow to hear the audio file.

The worship service also be accessed on our website

As a church family we are scattered physically, but as a church family we are also connected by our faith.  One body in many places.

May the peace of Christ bless you,

Pastor Marilyn