April 8, 2020

Dear Church family,

“This is the lentiest Lent ever” – I read this on Facebook and it certainly seems to be the case this year. And this is a different Holy Week also. There are so many things about Holy Week that are not translatable to a video or audio worship service: no palms branches to wave (except for the Lindenbachs who made their own palm branches), no foot or hand washing, no shared meal on Maundy Thursday with all taking part in stripping the church in preparation for Good Friday. Most of our senses are shut off from Holy Week this year. BUT the most important part of Holy Week is available for us: to hear again our story of faith. And we are able to reflect on what does this mean in our lives, how does this effect us as followers of Jesus?

There are a number of ways for that to happen.

  • With this email is the link and text for Augustana’s Good Friday Tenebrae Service. https://youtu.be/Dary-bTlgkc

  • Bishop Sid is providing a set of Meditations: The Story of Our Lives—a Journey into Holy Week https://www.sasksynod.ca/media/holy-week-2020/

  • Greg and I have also been listening to and reflecting on Pastor Ali’s devotional services every evening this week. http://www.resurrectionlutheranchurch.ca/

  • Pastor Mark Kleiner of Christ Anglican has also been posting daily services on the church’s Facebook through Holy Week

  • We can do a hand or foot washing in your own homes on Maundy Thursday.

And even more importantly we can remember our mandate from Jesus: “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Thank you for all your support and encouragement to me and to each other. Our photo gallery on our website is growing. Send me your photo of you at worship (or doing what you do during a pandemic) and we will post it on our gallery.

I keep you in my thoughts and prayers,

Pastor Marilyn