March 17, 2020

Dear Church family:

I hope you are coping well with this unprecedented situation. I want to keep you updated on what is happening in our church community. I received a letter from ELCIC bishops last night which directed all ELCIC congregation to cancel all worship services and gatherings immediately. We will do that, but this does not mean that we quit being a church community or that we quit caring for each other in the safest way possible. Here are some of the ways that we will continue to care for each other:

  • Pastor Marilyn is available by phone (numbers below). A phone visit is a good way to talk during this time. I plan to spend my day doing phone visits beginning with the people who are isolated or home bound.

  • The church’s phone message will be updated as changes occur.

  • The website will have worship, pastoral care information, and information from parish nurse Carol. If you do not have access to the website please let me know and I will continue to email out updates and resources.

  • Parish nurse Carol will not be making home visits, but she is still available for phone consults. You can leave a message for her and she will call you back (306-291-2586).

  • There are folk who are able to deliver groceries to people who are isolated. If you are isolated and need someone to drop off groceries, please contact me. If you are able to be one of the people who can make a delivery, please let me know.

Please keep in touch with your church family. A phone call to someone you know is a good way to care for them and may make them feel less isolated. May the God who chose to walk with us be with you now!

Pastor Marilyn Fowlie-Neufeld

Phone: 306-242-9553 (office); 306-250-6172 (cell)